Developer Jake Palillo
July 26. By Dave Yochum. Saying he is “done fighting,” developer Jake Palillo is altering plans for the Waterside development on Hwy. 73 in Huntersville to fit within the current zoning.
Palillo, a Cornelius resident, says the Lagoona Bay Beach Club would be allowed “by right” with 365 to 415 larger lots.
“We will still go through a rezoning request for a few changes but we can do the project without any of these changes,” the developer of Bailey’s Glen says.
The change in plans includes:
1. Rezoning 90 acres from rural .9 homes per acres to TR to match the other 170 acres that is TR 1.5 homes per acre.
2. Rezoning the 57 acres on the north side of 73 from TR to NR to allow 140 patio/cottage homes vs 86.
3. Requesting modifications to allow parking in front at the beach club so all the buildings are next to the lagoon.
4. Get a special use permit to build a 24 room Inn with spa, restaurant, and event center. This is a use allowed by right with a special use permit.

Jake Palillo at Lagoona Bay community meeting
By right
“By right” is when a development proposal conforms to zoning and building codes.
“We can make it work per the code,” Palillo said, explaining that the town’s 2040 plan was lacking, having been conceived with emotion and amateurs, not experts.
“We took one of the last remaining great properties in our Town and an amazing project that added everything this Town was lacking and killed it,” Palillo said.
Plans originally called for a 10-acre Crystal Lagoon as well as custom-built homes, 320 luxury apartments, 200 townhomes, 412 luxury condos and a 200-room luxury hotel. Palillo has 270 acres on both sides of Hwy. 73 under contract.
As first conceived, the project would have generated $16 million in taxes and more than 1,000 jobs, Palillo said. He took out the hotel, convention center and 212 condos.
“It’s now reduced to a beautiful high-end community serving a few and traffic is still here and not going anywhere,” he said.
The original project had the support of the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce.
Back to square one
The entire rezoning process will start over.
He plans a Neighborhood Meeting this fall and a public hearing before the scaled-down project goes before the Planning Board and Town Board. He predicts a Town Board final vote in February next year.
This project should never be approved! Hoping the community will rally to disapprove, as well!
Still don’t understand where all the water is coming from for the “lagoon”.
Traffic on 73 is already a nightmare. This would add a ton more, there is no way any road work will be done to support this monstrosity.
WHY is he pushing so hard for this and WHY would the chamber approve it when citizens are so against it?
I haven’t heard one argument against this development that doesn’t make total sense.
Do our leaders REALLY listen to locals at all? No talk at all about infrastructure or widening roadways in this area to help CURRENT resident. Not my back yard but still. I do like this outliers thinking of something different and unique. Otherwise we are doomed with the likes of Cheesecake Factory for new stuff.
They let roads have large holes where construction has altered the road. You have to dodge these or realign your car evey week. We won’t pay police officers enough to stay with Huntersville.we will allow all kinds of business to open without an infrastructure in place to handle traffic. Seems like we would allow this to come to lite. Or is someone on council holding it back.???????