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NC jobless rate flat at 3.5%; national rate is 3.9%

March 22. The state’s seasonally adjusted February 2024 unemployment rate was 3.5 percent, unchanged from January’s revised rate. The national rate increased 0.2 of a percentage point to 3.9 percent.

North Carolina’s unemployment rate increased 0.1 of a percentage point from a year ago. The number of people employed increased 3,135 over the month to 5,071,461 and increased 50,979 over the year. The number of people unemployed decreased 1,265 over the month to 184,472 and increased 6,541 over the year.

Seasonally adjusted Total Nonfarm employment, as gathered through the monthly establishment survey, increased 5,800 to 4,981,500 in February.

Major industries experiencing increases were:

Other Services, 2,300; Trade, Transportation & Utilities, 1,700; Education & Health Services, 1,300; Professional & Business Services, 1,200; Government, 1,000; Financial Activities, 200; and Information, 200. Major industries experiencing decreases were Construction, 900; Manufacturing, 900; Leisure & Hospitality Services, 200; and Mining & Logging, 100.


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