
Flair Trade could open this month

June 12. Flair Trade is expecting to start taking in consignments in mid-June and open for sale at the end of June.

Owner Szilva Harman had hoped to re-open the store in its new location at 20430 W. Catawba Ave. (near Big Bite’z) a year ago but delays with permits and construction kept the project being postponed.  

The store is looking for high-end designer and luxury brands in gently used conditions that are trendy. Men’s golf wear and loungewear maybe consigned as well and a new young adult section will be added.

Vintage and retro items will be considered, along with men’s and women’s trendy shoes, handbags, hats and accessories in gently used or new condition. No genuine fur items.

Staff are being hired. Send resumes to Write “HIRING” in the subject line.

Store background

Flair Trade closed under former owner Jennifer Harrison in September 2022.

Harrison said the store lost its lease in The Shops at Fresh Market to make make room for the TJX’s Home Sense concept store and Total Wine. Total Wine plans to move from Birkdale Village.


One Response to “Flair Trade could open this month”

  1. All the “Flair Traders” have been patiently waiting, and we couldn’t be more excited!

    Posted by Penny Morgan | June 13, 2024, 7:06 am

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