Feb. 23. By TL Bernthal. The opening date for the new Handel’s homemade ice cream franchise in Cornelius should be March 16, delayed by almost three months because of construction setbacks. Pam Alatalo, the operations manager, says that once the plumbing and electrical inspections are complete, the floor can installed—all part of the process to […]
Feb. 20. By Cheryl Kane. Efficiency matters, reducing wasteful actions and achieving the most value from assets is always important. I believe efficient behaviors can help reduce stress. As stress seems a prevalent topic today, perhaps a few simple ways to reduce distractions to keep a clear mind as we conduct our tasks may help. […]
Feb. 17. SEG Systems, a manufacturer of integrated merchandising displays, lightboxes, frames, and graphic solutions, is moving from Charlottte to Huntersville. The $30 million relocation and expansion creates 150 new jobs, in addition to 86 jobs moving from Charlotte for a total of 236. SEG will be moving into about 225,000 square feet in the […]
Feb. 15. Startups and young companies looking to break into the healthcare industry can apply for the opportunity to become Innovation Nexus members at Novant Health. A yearlong, paid membership program from the Novant Health Innovation Lab, Innovation Nexus offers an insider’s view of Novant Health’s innovation ecosystem. Selected startups will receive collaboration, mentorship, coaching […]
Feb. 14. Every state has virtues and vices, and vices can be especially destructive when people’s wallets are already stretched thin by high inflation. Harmful behavior on the individual level can result in staggering economic costs, considering that gambling addiction costs the U.S. $5 billion per year and smoking costs dwarf that with over $300 […]
Feb. 10. By Mike McGinnis. While the U.S. economy is expected to weaken to the point of a recession in the second half of this year, a Charlotte-based economist paints a rosier picture for the region. At the Business Today/Cornelius Today Newsmakers Breakfast yesterday, Jackie Benson, Wells Fargo economist, described the Mecklenburg County’s population growth […]
Feb. 10. Dr. Malcolm Butler will discuss the teaching pipeline and what the future of teaching looks like post COVID at the Lake Norman Chamber Power Luncheon Thursday, Feb. 16 at Northstone Country Club, Bio Butler, the dean of the Department of Education at UNC Charlotte, earned a B.S. in in Physics from Southern University […]
Feb. 9. When we interact with others often we are talking about ideas, problems to solve, decisions to be made, performance evaluations, or the assessment of outcomes. At these times it’s not only what we say but also how we say it that determines if the other person feels we have set a boundary or […]
Feb. 8. By TL Bernthal. The Huntersville Connection, formerly known as the Huntersville Chamber of Commerce, and the Cornelius-based Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce have consolidated. The move was under consideration and negotiation by the two boards since December 2021. Jim Combs, the 2022 president of the Huntersville group and now a member of the […]
Feb. 3. It looks like another bank is coming to Lake Norman. ServisFirst Banchsares, which opened its first North Carolina office in December in Ballantyne, plans to open up somewhere in Lake Norman. There’s no word on where they’ll land in Lake Norman but the Birmingham, Ala.-based bank has already hired Lee Millican as its […]