A rendering of the proposed Birkdale Village.
Jan. 12. By TL Bernthal. Birkdale Village has asked that the decision on its rezoning request be delayed until the Feb. 20 Huntersville Town Board meeting.
Susan Irvin, the lawyer for applicant DDRTC Birkdale Village LLC, wrote to the town board that the applicant would like the deferral to allow time for review of the changes that have been made to address town leaders’ comments and concerns.
Birkdale Village has requested to rezone almost 9 acres at the Townley and Lindholm drives from highway commercial conditional district to highway commercial conditional district for 350 multifamily units, a 125-room boutique hotel 150,000 square feet of office space, and 25,000 square feet of commercial space.
Neighbors are concerned about the change in the “feel” of the village and parking.
The project would add 450 parking spaces.
Excellent and onward. Cheers to growth!
People who live here do so because they love the small town feeling. That’s slowing giving way to a big city environment because of corporate greed. I’d venture to say that these developers don’t live anywhere near Huntersville and why should their opinions about what we want or need be considered. They are in business to make money and to hell with the residents. The blame is on our city officials who no doubt will profit as well. The whole thing is disgusting. Notice not one word is uttered about our increasingly horrendous traffic situation.