
Anti-toll leader seeks re-election to Huntersville board

June 30. Mark Gibbons, a captain with the Bank of America air fleet, will seek a second term on the Huntersville Town Board. He garnered the second highest vote total as a first-time candidate in 2015, when pro-toll Mayor Jill Swain was soundly defeated by John Aneralla. Gibbons serves on the NC 73 Council of Planning, which oversees the progress of five approved projects to widen and upgrade NC 73 from Denver to Concord and the development along that corridor. 

Gibbons said the new mayor, and town staff have fostered a more business-friendly environment “while balancing both commercial and residential development.”

Gibbons entered the local political scene in 2013, as a concerned citizen and Widen I77 board member trying to inform local and state representatives of the pitfalls of the public/private partnership deal to put toll lanes on I77 and lobby them to turn down the 50-year contract. “The efforts to cancel the contract continue with resolutions against the project, requests to NCDOT and the Governor’s office for changes/improvements to the agreement, and Widen I77’s petition to the NC Supreme court to hear the suit against the HOT lanes,” Gibbons said.

Gibbons served 32 years between the Marine Corps and Navy and was deployed in support of the Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom before retiring in March of 2013. He is an executive board member with American Legion Post 321 and a member of Marine Corps League Detachment 1242. He is an active member of St. Mark Catholic church and serves in several ministries there.


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