June 19. North Carolina’s unemployment rate stayed under the national rate in May, or 3.4 percent here, vs. 3.7 percent jobless nationwide.
The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was was unchanged from April, while the national rate rose.3 percent.
North Carolina’s unemployment rate was unchanged from a year ago. The number of people employed increased 20,351 over the month to 5,033,140 and increased 42,690 over the year. The number of people unemployed decreased 3,076 over the month to 175,754 and decreased 1,737 over the year.
Seasonally adjusted Total Non-farm employment, as gathered through the monthly establishment survey, increased 6,400 to 4,901,500 in May.
Major industries with increases
Leisure & Hospitality Services, 4,300
Professional & Business Services, 3,200
Trade, Transportation & Utilities, 2,500
Education & Health Services, 1,200;
Government, 700
Information, 200
Manufacturing, 200
Major industries with decreases
Construction, 2,400
Other Services, 2,200
Financial Activities, 1,300
Mining & Logging
County by county unemployment rates will be released next week.
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