April’s edition of Business Today marks our 13th anniversary covering small business in Lake Norman and Cabarrus County. We coined the term “Golden Crescent” to describe our market footprint—the motorsports region from Mooresville, Cornelius and Huntersville to Kannapolis and Concord.
Here are 13 things I’ve learned since April of 2002:
- Lake Norman and Cabarrus are different. In broad terms Lake Norman is more entrepreneurial and seat of the pants than Cabarrus.
- I can’t recall a no-pay in Cabarrus in 13 years.
- Newspapers are not dead. Delivery channels, of course, are changing, but there’s always going to be a place for print. I think.
- Our formula, print complements the internet, and vice versa, seems to be working.
- That said, I wouldn’t want to start a career in newsprint sales right now.
- Doing what you enjoy is good for you and the people around you.
- Visit shut-ins and people in the hospital.
- Go out of your way to do business with customers.
- Do good for your community but don’t reinvent the wheel. There are plenty of good charities that already exist.
- Don’t manufacture charitable events for the sole purpose of putting out a press release.
- Listen as hard as you can. If you dominate a conversation, you’re not learning.
- Turn off your cell phone if you’re having a personal lunch, or you’re with family and friends.
- Even if you are a genius, realize that you can’t do it alone. Teamwork is everything.
- A big thank you to employees past and present, customers new and old, and our loyal readers.
Public relations run amok
This public relations pitch got off on the wrong foot right away.
Hi Rob,
I wanted to share some information with you about why new payments processes should remain a top initiative for all organizations, especially small businesses.
(From fama PR in Boston)
Most journalists scorn PR people for prostituting themselves. This one does so literally. It’s really shameful.
Hello Dave,
Ask a woman what her favorite position is, she’s likely to say CEO. While a man in uniform used to make women weak in the knees, now the only uniform necessary is a well-tailored suit.
Date-auction website WhatsYourPrice.com pulled data from approximately 145,000 men to find out which career makes women swoon. Professions of men that scored the most dates, make up “America’s Sexiest Jobs.”
“Doctors and lawyers are successful, no doubt,” said Brandon Wade, CEO and founder of WhatsYourPrice.com. “But women find it sexier when a man takes great risks to successfully build his own business from the ground up.”
WhatsYourPrice.com is a patent-pending “Dating-for-Dollars” website. The dating site allows “Generous” members to bid and pay for first dates with other users, revealing not just how much they are willing to spend on a first date, but on a chance at love. Money is exchanged during the date, and second dates may be arranged either online or off.
Rank – Profession – Acceptance Rate
1. CEO / Entrepreneur – 98%
2. Financial Advisor – 96%
3. Software Developer – 93%
4. Lawyer – 90%
5. Business Consultant – 88%
6. Physician – 87%
7. Real Estate Developer – 85%
8. Marketing/Advertising – 83%
9. Architect – 78%
10. Engineer – 72%
(From someone named Hannahmae Dela Cruz)
I noticed journalists are not on the list of “America’s Sexiest Jobs.”
Considering the decline of the daily newspaper industry, it’s well known most don’t do it daily any more.
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